Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pre-production Planning - Placement

Due to the unique circular shape of the masthead, I was concerned with the placement of the element on the front cover. I tested various placements regarding the shape, from the circle fully visible to corners not showing and even elongating the circle using a square shape. From this, I overlaid each possible combination to be refined further.

Taking my four favoured circular masthead placements, I used the original logo to create samples of how each element would effect the overall aesthetic of the page. The top left placement is my most favourite concept, as it's position in the top and left-hand third enables the masthead to be seen on a newsstand using either horizontal or vertical stacking. Although I think the text appears too squashed therefore I am going to refine the masthead further by altering the position of the text lower-down. I also like the concept of the bottom-right masthead, and perhaps with more centred text the sample would be more appealing.

After enlarging my favoured placement, I found the lower-left corner quite distracting and hard to integrate with the overall page. Because of this I decided to merge my two favourite placements and include a rectangle in the lower-left corner, creating a more consistent shape. Whilst I believe the masthead integrates well with the page dimensions, I am still not fully happy with this version. Despite overall positive feedback of the design, I still feel that the quite unconventional nature of the masthead is too distracting. The masthead and cover page should communicate a clear, recognisable brand.

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