Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pre-production Planning - Contents Flatplans

When creating my College Magazine, I designed two contents pages; an unconventional and design-focused one, and a more conventional one. Ultimately, I ended up using the conventional layout as it was familiar to the readers. Learning from this, I have sketched three designs, all of which use a conventional list and feature at least one image. All designs will feature 20 article titles.
[From left to right]
1 - The most rigid design, all 20 articles are featured in a list in chronological order. The left-hand column features both an editorial and flannel panel, which I really wanted to include. Although, I am worried that the page will look too busy, and the only way to highlight feature articles is by colour, which could have varying degrees of success.
2 - Simplified for effect with a similar design to number 1, the gaps between the article names break up the composition, but limit space. I find the inclusion of the image a slight afterthought, and overall the design a bit bland. I did consider adding texture to the bars, but this would be inconsistent with the rest of the magazine.
3 - Actually quite a minimalist design, the clear focus on images will brighten the page adding a wealth of visual interest. Whilst the article list may not be very wide, the 1 column width paired with the full page length offers enough room for clear 'feature' and 'regulars' section. Triangles derived from the letter A aid consistency whilst adding an edgy touch, reinforcing the modern feel of the publication.
Paying close attention to the triangular angles of the letter 'A' which plays a considerable part in the magazine, I included subtle varying triangles which act as a background for the featured page numbers. Adding to this continuity, the largest box at the top will feature an image of the cover star, and the others relating to their corresponding article and page number. I am concerned that I haven't included a flannel panel or editorial section, and depending on how much space the contents list takes, I may be able to place a small flannel panel towards the bottom. Should there not be enough space for this, or there is more space than anticipated, I would also like to include a social networking panel with links to online sites.

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