Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Pre-production Planning - Cover Flatplans

Before beginning to design the Cover Page, I already had a fairly clear idea of what I wanted to include. Inspired by the focus on the letter 'A' of the masthead, I wanted to somehow incorporate the angles of the letter into the image. This shape was the foundations of the page, with cover lines fitting around it.
Drafting the flatplan by hand, I decided to include space for 6 cover lines, however the bottom right area does look rather empty, so perhaps more could be included. I intend for the middle right text to be a pull quote to add another element to the magazine. I am going to redraw this flatplan using InDesign and further consider the elements on the page.
After digitalising the flatplan, I was able to see gaps in the design and fill them, which lead to the inclusion of a puff (the circle influenced by the original masthead) and either another cover line or space for buzz text. By complete happenstance I changed the pt of a line next to the main cover line, top left. This indentation really draws the viewers eye into the publication, and I shall keep this and change it's colour to suit the colour scheme of the page. The already conventional nature of this flatplan allows me to be more experimental in other areas, such as the main image, without appearing unprofessional. Once I vary some of the fonts of the cover lines I really think that this design will 'pop'! 

Still refining the flatplan, I was inspired by some hand-written font as well as the original serif masthead and I wanted a further focal point to the magazine. As the masthead is extra bold, I think the inclusion of a large cover line - whether it be a title of an article or the cover artist's name - would put more focus onto the content, which is perhaps the most vital part of the magazine.

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