Thursday, March 20, 2014

Own Advert Design

When presenting the magazine, within my overall flatplan I have added space for an advert from Alt Magazine itself, placed on the page after the contents page. Instead of being a third party advertisement, I intended for this section to advertise a subscription service for the magazine. As the magazine is released monthly and costs £3.50, to buy a years worth would cost £42. With any subscription comes a discount, so I decided upon a 25% discount, which is large enough to interest potential subscribers whilst still maintaining a profit for the magazine itself. As an added incentive to this £31.50 offer, I have included an app for the magazine as well as an offer of exclusive online content.

My primary research showed that 80% of the target audience own a smartphone, suggesting that an app would be another platform to extend the convergence of the magazine. By making this available on the two sector-leading platforms Apple and Android, this widens the scope for possible downloads. By integrating push notifications into the app, this will help keep Alt Magazine in the readers thoughts, strengthening the readership.

In order to exploit an integral part of the magazine further, the promise of exclusive content only for subscribers conforms to a point raised in my primary research; 55% and 70% like to know about new music and technology (respectively) before anyone else. This majority figure means the addition of this content is enticing to the reader.

As this advert is from the magazine itself, I was keen to maintain the house style, especially against the contents page. For this reason, I used the same grid margins as the contents page and DPS, as well as using the same light teal colour from the regulars section of the contents page. As always, the fonts remain the same throughout the publication.

I created the app image from the masthead 'A', overlaying it with a transparent gradient. The mock device is created using two different rounded rectangles. The only elements of this page which I did not create myself are the apple and android logos, taken from here and here.

Normally, the contents page would not be on the page after the front cover, and in the overall flatplan I have allowed two full page third party advertisements on the 2nd and 3rd pages, meaning that when the magazine is finally presented, while it may appear straight after the front cover, this would not be the case in a full magazine.

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