Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Pre-production Planning - Outfit

As alternative rock encompasses two genres, it is important for me to fins a compromise between these two stereotypes within the representation of my model. Further considering that alternative rock is a sub genre of rock music, so I will retain a major influence from the rock genre.

In a previous post where I analysed a quite conventional rock star Lemmy from the band Motörhead within Classic Rock. A laddish lathario with dark-coloured clothes adorned with chains portray a ruthless persona which is stereotypical of the rock genre.

In contrast to this, alternative genre conventions generally include well-dressed, fashionable young adults as seen in Clash magazine. Yet, as this is such a diverse genre, a rock influence is sometimes apparent. Distressed clothes, leather accents and chain accessories can also accompany fashionable clothing styles.

When deciding the outfit for my cover star, I wanted to try and incorporate both of these conventions into the outfit. Working with the cover star, we created multiple outfits based around the concept of 'edgy but modern'. After debating each element of the outfit - from accessories to shoes - we created the outfit below which I believe fits this requirement.
[Above: Created using Polyvore.com]
The all-black attire is both fashionable and stereotypical of the rock genre, connoting a quite unfriendly and unapproachable personality, which is what I intend to both construct and de-construct within the interview.

Looking back to my primary analyses of Classic Rock, Lemmy the cover star wore a hat, which formed a recognisable part of his image. Inspired by this, I chose for my cover star to wear a bowler hat, which has many historical connotations. Seen as a fairly masculine item, it has recently been reclaimed by females; transforming from the historical businessman attire, to a fashionable accessory used on informal occasions. This modern change lead by women made the bowler hat an essential accessory for my female-orientated magazine.

My model, Shannon, was also keen to wear a 90's style choker accessory. Seen as quite glam rock, we agreed that this added a personal flair to the outfit, and is once again becoming more popular amongst certain social circles.

From being adopted by Teddy Boys in the late 1950's to being transformed to a rockier vibe by Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood, these connotations make Creepers the perfect shoe for my magazine. Recently revived by grunge culture, these shoes are becoming increasingly mainstream, and the majority of my target audience will own these shoes (or know someone who does).

Whilst these accents encompass the genre of the magazine, the main focus of the outfit would be the top and bottoms of the cover star. I did not want to distract away from the features and actions which I will be directing Shannon to do, but rather retain a modern feel without being overpowering. Maintaining the all-black look, we agreed on faux leather leggings and a baggy top. These equal each other out, as the figure-hugging leggings will heighten her figure, whilst the baggy top will not be revealing, maintaining a more mature element.

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