Monday, February 10, 2014

Revised DPS Flatplans

For the same reasons that I have revised the contents page flat plans for, I have decided to subtly alter the DPS Flatplans to be consistent with the shift in focus. I was also inspired by the techniques I learned in the InDesign workshop, and intend to integrate the majority of them into the flatplan. In the original flat plan here, a clear focus is on the angular mask of the image. I was originally concerned with white space in the top left corner as a result of this, so I shall not be including this in the revised version.

I wanted to keep as many elements of the original flatplan as I could, whilst conforming to the quite conventional linear style demonstrated especially in the contents page. I also wanted to maintain a clear focus on the article as well as the image, to further expose the cover star.

To further this, the grid is the same as the contents page:
Gutter: 5.5mm
Margin: 15mm
Bleed: 5mm

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