Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Unconventional Magazine Front Cover (not final)

From following the flatplans and my inspiration, I created this magazine cover using my own image. I am pleased with the elements I have used from various sources, translating some areas of one mock magazine design with another. I carefully ensured that elements of the magazine flowed.

Refering back to my font experimentation, I used Pacifico for the masthead. The background of the masthead is created using the paintbrush tool in overlay mode, and subtly changing the saturation of the colour, resulting in various greys.

Choosing monochrome resulted in a clean and modern front cover, however this is not suitable for use on a newsagents shelf, as the readers eye will not be drawn to it. Considering that this is the first issue of the magazine, the audience will not be accustomed to the format or branding of the magazine, meaning such risks cannot be taken. I also believe that the lack of colour may appear uninteresting to some readers.

I chose to have the cover lines at the bottom of the page to even up the composition, which graphically is pleasing. However, due to the publication being for print, it is best to have the cover lines in the left-hand side third, which will be visible on the newsagents shelf. Should the magazine be stacked vertically on a magazine rack, this would cause the cover lines to be completely covered, which defeats their purpose.

The main image is also unconventional, as it is a close-up (just face shown), instead of a medium close-up (from the waist upwards). Whilst this may be effective for a more graphics-heavy publication, the purpose of this magazine is unclear from the image. Despite this, other conventions such as the subject maintaining eye-contact with the audience is clear.

Whilst this magazine cover was useful for demonstrating skills, I believe it's purpose as a college magazine is unclear and therefore shall not be my final piece. I shall adapt the flatplans further when creating my more conventional and purposeful front cover.

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