Friday, September 27, 2013

REVISED House Style

Considering my target audience further, I believe the original colours I chose were not suitable for purpose, and hence would not make my magazine stand out on the newsagent's shelf. Looking for inspiration, I deemed the colours of my school bag which will feature in the main image to be a good choice, rounding the composition of the piece.

I decided to change the masthead font to Avenir Heavy in order to add a further continuity. This also allowed more creative freedom should I want to manipulate the text in any way. I varied between Avenir Roman and Avenir heavy for the body text. The predominantly sans-serif font use enhances readability and gives a modern branding, tying in with the 'fresh' masthead and ethos of the magazine.

To contrast this, serif Pacifico was used to create a visual difference, which will make the reader notice the buzz words against the other text.

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