Friday, October 04, 2013

Contents Page (NOT FINAL)

  • Clear main features, with extra information.
  • Continuation of house style and colours from the front page.
  • Integration of a rigid grid, encouraging accuracy.
  • Large text which is recognisable from a distance.
  • Unconventional, making the page difficult to read, as well as being unfamiliar with the readership.
  • Only image largely obscured from title.
  • Lack of page numbers/content/features
  • Overuse of large text doesn't flow with selectively large text featured on the front cover.
Personally, this piece was originally too simple, and ended up being more focused upon graphics than readability. A contents page should be easy to read and informative, and I felt that the lack of highlighted content within the page defeated the original purpose of this page. This is not my final contents page.

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