Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Contents Page Flatplan

Dimensions used on flatplan:
  • Width: 210mm
  • Height: 297mm
  • Margins: 10mm
  • Bleed: 10mm
  • Columns: 3
  • Gutter: 5mm
These dimensions come from a modal range of data I gathered from other magazines, including: Fabulous, Cosmopolitan and 25 Beautiful Homes. As I discovered when creating the front cover, sticking to the flatplan religiously is often difficult, so I expect to make some alterations with these figures when I come to designing the contents page.

A simple flatplan allows me to express creativity further, as I am not limited by a strict guide. I decided to include three columns, leaving me the option to include a flannel panel or social media contact should I deem necessary. The title (Contents) was placed at the bottom as it is clear from the content what the page's intent is. However, should the article list be altered, I may move the title to a more conspicuous position.

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