Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Peer Feedback

In order to gain feedback on the first contents page draft and the second front cover draft, 4 of my peers looked at both these pages. In turn, they left comments to questions which I found most useful for furthering the development of these designs. My target audience is mainly females at aged 16-21 years old, but in order to gain a varied response two males and two females aged 16-17 completed this response.

Positive Comments:
  • Colour use is relevant and subtle, complimenting a professional-looking design
  • Cohesive use of fonts
  • Easy to read cover lines, with the main cover line eye catching yet not overwhelming
  • All knew either the exact genre or relative genre of magazine - strong brand identity and iconography
  • Consistent use of house style
  • Enjoy fact content is split by colour blocks (contents page)

From this feedback, I am very confident that my magazine suits the purpose of my original intentions. The subtle choices of colour and font have been appreciated by the target audience, as well as a clear recognition of the intended professionalism for the design. 

Despite this, I still believe that there is more which I can alter to further perfect these designs.

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